A Sneak Peek At The Curriculum

    1. CPA Bootcamp Information Systems & Controls Area I: Information Systems & Data Management

    2. Section 1 Lecture: IT Infrastructure

    3. Section 1 Quiz: Understanding of information technology (IT)

    4. Section 2 Lecture: Enterprise and Accounting Information Systems

    5. Section 2 Quiz: Enterprise and Accounting Information Systems

    6. Section 2 Simulation: Enterprise and Accounting Information Systems - Key Business Process

    7. Section 2 Simulation: Enterprise and Accounting Information Systems - Key Business Process Answer Key

    8. Section 2 Simulation: Enterprise and Accounting Information Systems - Detecting Deficiencies

    9. Section 2 Simulation: Enterprise and Accounting Information Systems - Detecting Deficiencies Answer Key

    10. Section 3 Lecture: Availability

    11. Section 3 Quiz: Availability

    12. Section 3 Simulation: Availability - Availability Service Commitments

    13. Section 3 Simulation: Availability - Availability Service Commitments Answer Key

    14. Section 4 Lecture: Change Management

    15. Section 4 Quiz: Change Management

    1. 10 Minute Break

    1. Section 5 Lecture: Data Management

    2. Section 5 Quiz: Data Management

    3. Section 5 Simulation: Data Management - Data from Different Sources

    4. Section 5 Simulation: Data Management - Data from Different Sources Answer Key

    5. Section 5 Simulation: Data Management - Business Process Model

    6. Section 5 Simulation: Data Management - Business Process Model Answer Key

    1. Course Evaluation - Thank you for participating in the program.

    1. Summary

    2. Guided Activity: Lower Body Desk Job Mobility

2024 CPA Bootcamp Information Systems & Controls Area I: Information Systems &

  • $134.00
  • 27 lessons