What You Get When You Sign Up

    1. Section 1 Lecture: Authority of Agents and Principals - Video

    2. Section 1 Lecture: Authority of Agents and Principals - Print-Out

    3. Section 1 Quiz: Authority of Agents and Principals

    4. Section 2 Lecture: Duties and Liabilities of Agents and Principals - Video

    5. Section 2 Lecture: Duties and Liabilities of Agents and Principals - Print-Out

    6. Section 2 Quiz: Duties and Liabilities of Agents and Principals

    1. Section 3 Lecture: Formation - Video

    2. Section 3 Lecture: Formation - Print-Out

    3. Section 3 Quiz: Formation

    4. Section 4 Lecture: Performance and Discharge - Video

    5. Section 4 Lecture: Performance and Discharge - Print-Out

    6. Section 4 Quiz: Performance and Discharge

    7. Section 5 Lecture: Breach and Remedies - Video

    8. Section 5 Lecture: Breach and Remedies - Print-Out

    9. Section 5 Quiz: Discharge, Breach, and Remedies

    1. Guided Activity: Relaxation Fire

    1. Section 6 Lecture: Debtor-Credit Relationships - Video

    2. Section 6 Lecture: Debtor-Credit Relationships - Print-Out

    3. Section 6 Quiz: Debtor-Credit Relationships

    1. Section 7 Lecture: Federal laws and Regulations (e.g., employment tax, qualified health plans and worker classification) - Video

    2. Section 7 Lecture: Federal laws and Regulations (e.g., employment tax, qualified health plans and worker classification) - Print-Out

    3. Section 7 Quiz: Federal laws and Regulations (e.g., employment tax, qualified health plans and worker classification)

2024 CPA Bootcamp Regulation Area II: Business Law

  • $122.00
  • 36 lessons