Course Curriculum

    1. CPA Exam – Business Analysis Allocation

    2. Section 1 Lecture: Financial Statement Analysis

    3. Section 1 Quiz: Financial Statement Analysis

    4. Section 1 Simulation: Financial Statement Analysis - Comparing Accounts and Explaining Variances

    5. Section 1 Simulation: Financial Statement Analysis - Comparing Accounts and Explaining Variances Answer Key

    6. Section 1 Simulation: Financial Statement Analysis - Financial Statement Ratios

    7. Section 1 Simulation: Financial Statement Analysis - Financial Statement Ratios Answer Key

    8. Section 1 Simulation: Financial Statement Analysis - Using Outputs to Identify Patterns, Trends, and Correlations

    9. Section 1 Simulation: Financial Statement Analysis - Using Outputs to Identify Patterns, Trends, and Correlations Answer Key

    10. Section 1 Simulation: Financial Statement Analysis - Impact of Transactions

    11. Section 1 Simulation: Financial Statement Analysis - Impact of Transactions Answer Key

    12. Section 2 Lecture: Non-Financial and Non-GAAP Measures of Performance

    13. Section 2 Quiz: Financial & Non-Financial Measures of Performance Management

    14. Section 2 Simulation: Financial & Non-Financial Measures of Performance Management - Analyzing Performance

    15. Section 2 Simulation: Financial & Non-Financial Measures of Performance Management - Analyzing Performance Answer Key

    16. Section 3 Lecture: Managerial and Cost Accounting

    17. Section 3 Quiz: Cost Measurement Concepts, Methods and Techniques

    18. Section 3 Quiz: Variance Analysis

    19. Section 3 Simulation: Variance Analysis with Answers

    20. Section 3 Simulation: Managerial and Cost Accounting - Variance Analysis

    21. Section 3 Simulation: Managerial and Cost Accounting - Variance Analysis Answer Key

    22. Section 3 Simulation: Managerial and Cost Accounting - Price, Volume, and Mix Analysis

    23. Section 3 Simulation: Managerial and Cost Accounting - Price, Volume, and Mix Analysis Answer Key

    1. 10 Minute Break

    1. Section 4 Lecture: Budgeting, Forecasting and Projection

    2. Section 4 Quiz: Budgeting and Analysis

    3. Section 4 Quiz: Forecasting and Projection

    4. Section 4 Simulation: Budgeting and Analysis - Reconciling Budget

    5. Section 4 Simulation: Budgeting and Analysis - Reconciling Budget with Answers

    6. Section 4 Simulation: Forecasting and Projection - Ratio Analysis

    7. Section 4 Simulation: Forecasting and Projection - Ratio Analysis with Answers

    8. Section 4 Simulation: Forecasting and Projection - Alternative Approaches

    9. Section 4 Simulation: Forecasting and Projection - Alternative Approaches with Answers

    10. Section 5 Lecture: Capital Structure

    11. Section 5 Quiz: Capital Structure

    12. Section 5 Simulation: Optimal Capital Structure

    13. Section 5 Simulation: Optimal Capital Structures Answer Key

    14. Section 5 Simulation: Impact of Various Capital Structures Answer Key

    15. Section 5 Simulation: Impact of Various Capital Structures

    16. Section 6 Lecture: Investment alternatives using financial valuation decision models

    17. Section 6 Quiz: Financial Valuation Methods and Decision Models

    18. Section 6 Simulation: Investment Alternatives

    19. Section 6 Simulation: Investment Alternatives Answer Key

    20. Section 7 Lecture: Risk Management

    21. Section 7 Quiz: Market, interest rate, currency, liquidity, credit, price and other risks

    22. Section 7 Simulation: Risk Management - Managing Working Capital

    23. Section 7 Simulation: Risk Management - Managing Working Capital Answer Key

    24. Section 7 Simulation: Risk Management - Impact of a Proposed Transaction

    25. Section 7 Simulation: Risk Management - Impact of a Proposed Transaction Answer Key

    26. Section 7 Simulation: Risk Management - SWOT Analysis

    27. Section 7 Simulation: Risk Management - SWOT Analysis Answer Key

    28. Section 8 Lecture: Economic and Market Influences on Business

    29. Section 8 Quiz: Market Influences

    30. Section 8 Simulation: Impact of Market Influences

    31. Section 8 Simulation: Impact of Market Influences Answer Key

    32. Section 8 Simulation: Impact of Market Influences - Business Reasons

    33. Section 8 Simulation: Impact of Market Influences - Business Reasons Answer Key

    1. Course Evaluation - Thank you for participating in the program.

    1. Summary

    2. Lower Body Desk Job Mobility

2024 CPA Bootcamp Business Analysis and Reporting Area I: Business Analysis

  • $276.00
  • 62 lessons