A Sneak Peek At The Curriculum

    1. 10 Minute Break

    1. CPA Exam – State and Local Government Allocation.pdf

    2. Section 1 Lecture: Government-Wide Financial Statements

    3. Section 1 Quiz: Government-Wide Financial Statements

    4. Section 2 Lecture: Government Funds Financial Statements

    5. Section 2 Quiz: Government Funds Financial Statements

    6. Section 3 Lecture: Proprietary Funds Financial Statements

    7. Section 3 Quiz: Proprietary Funds Financial Statements

    8. Section 4 Lecture: Fiduciary Funds Financial Statements

    9. Section 4 Quiz: Fiduciary Funds Financial Statements

    10. Section 5 Lecture: Notes to Financial Statements

    11. Section 5 Quiz: Notes to Financial Statements

    12. Section 6 Lecture: Management's Discussion and Analysis

    13. Section 6 Quiz: Management's Discussion and Analysis

    14. Section 7 Lecture: Budgetary Comparison Reporting

    15. Section 7 Quiz: Budgetary Comparison Reporting

    16. Section 8 Lecture: Required Supplementary Information (RSI) other than Management's Discussion and Analysis

    17. Section 8 Quiz: Required Supplementary Information (RSI) other than Management's Discussion and Analysis

    18. Section 9 Lecture: Financial Reporting Entity, including Blended and Discrete Component Units

    19. Section 9 Quiz: Financial Reporting Entity, including Blended and Discrete Component Units

    1. Section 10 Lecture: Deriving Government-Wide Financial Statements and Reconciliation Requirements

    2. Section 10 Quiz: Deriving Government-Wide Financial Statements and Reconciliation Requirements

    1. Section 11 Lecture: Net Position and Components Thereof

    2. Section 11 Quiz: Net Position

    3. Section 12 Lecture: Fund Balances and Components Thereof

    4. Section 12 Quiz: Fund Balances and Components

    5. Section 13 Lecture: Capital Assets and Infrastructure Assets

    6. Section 13 Quiz: Capital Assets and Infrastructure Assets

    7. Section 14 Lecture: General and Proprietary Long-term Liabilities

    8. Section 14 Quiz: General and Proprietary Long-term Liabilities

    9. Section 15 Lecture: Interfund Activity, including Transfers

    10. Section 15 Quiz: Interfund Activity, including Transfers

    11. Section 16 Lecture: Nonexchange Revenue Transactions

    12. Section 16 Quiz: Nonexchange Revenue Transactions

    13. Section 17 Lecture: Expenditures and Expenses

    14. Section 17 Quiz: Expenditures and Expenses

    15. Section 18 Lecture: Budgetary Accounting and Encumbrances

    16. Section 18 Quiz: Budgetary Accounting and Encumbrances

    1. Course Evaluation - Thank you for participating in the program.

2024 CPA Bootcamp Business Analysis and Reporting Area III: State and Local Governments

  • $134.00
  • 44 lessons